Friday, September 7, 2012

Drawing a circle in SQL Server...

I've just started playing with the Geo spatial data types in SQL Server Express.
The first thing I wanted to do was draw a circle.  How difficult could it be?

I could not find an example on the interweb - so I put one together.

-- Draw Circle

declare @RecCount float = 360
declare @count int = 0
declare @size int = 1
declare @tmpTable table ( geo geometry)
while(@count < @RecCount)
insert into @tmpTable
SELECT geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT('
   +  cast(SIN(RADIANS((CAST(@count AS FLOAT)
            /CAST(@RecCount AS FLOAT))
            * 360)) * @size as varchar)
   + ' '
   + cast(COS(RADIANS((CAST(@count AS FLOAT)
            /CAST(@RecCount AS FLOAT))
            * 360)) * @size as varchar)
   + ')',4326) AS Posn
set @count = @count + 1

select geo from @tmpTable

Now choose the 'Spatial Results' tab - you might have never seen this before. It only appears if the results set has a geospatial data type in it.

Draw a Circle

The observant of you might notice, it's not actually a circle.

Happy Coding...!!!

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